Benefits of playing the flute for a child
Music education is one of the prerequisites for the comprehensive development of a child's personality, so many parents want their children to master playing a musical instrument. The desire is laudable, but not always the right instrument is chosen because not everyone takes into account the specifics of a child's body.
One of the universal solutions are wind musical instruments, namely the flute (for children of 3-4 years - the block flute). They are used everywhere: in jazz, symphonic, brass orchestras, folk groups, groups of avant-garde directions of modern music. The sound of the flute is great, but not many parents know that playing this musical instrument can have a positive effect on a child's body.
Positive effects on the lungs
The flute as well as other wind instruments produce a sound because of the air they contain, that is, to make the flute sound, a jet of air has to be blown into it with a certain effort.
Based on the specifics of playing, the first advantage of flute practice becomes obvious right away - it has positive effect on respiratory system. Not in vain doctors recommend playing this musical instrument in complex therapy of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
It is scientifically proven that regular practice has a positive effect on the lungs. When working with the flute creates resistance to exhaled air flow, which helps to develop the alveoli, develop lung tissue, as well as increase the volume of the lungs themselves. In addition to massaging the internal organs with deep breathing, regular exercise leads to relaxation of the nervous system, thanks to the flow of oxygen to the brain.
Develops the intellect
Playing the flute involves movements of the fingers, which is a training of fine motor skills. All this has a positive effect on the brain, contributing to the development of thinking speed. The principle is simple, for the flute sound to be beautiful, the child must place their fingers in a certain way, which itself contributes to the training of the brain.
The high level of intelligence of young flutists is not just an allegation, but a real trend noticed by many teachers. For example, the flute was brilliantly played by such famous personalities as Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, Napoleon and other great men.
Improves articulation
To learn to play this musical instrument, a child must learn how to properly send sound into it. In this process, the organs of the articulatory apparatus take an active part, which must be trained. To do this, use special articulation exercises that strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus, which is very important not only when playing wind musical instruments, but also in the development of the baby. Often it is the weak muscles of the articulatory organs that are the cause of speech defects in children of preschool age.
The development of the articulating organs allows you to eliminate possible problems with pronunciation, thereby reducing the risk of speech problems in the child.
Trains memory
Memory is the highest mental function that is mediated, that is, it is not natural, but a result of cultural development. This means that memory is not given to us by nature, but must be developed during the growth and formation of a child's personality.
In order to play the flute, a child will have to learn the notes and understand how to place his or her fingers on the instrument. Mastering all this information has a positive effect on memory, the child learns to remember and organize the information. Regular lessons lead to the fact that playing the flute is as understandable and habitual as riding a bike, daily brushing your teeth, etc.
Corrects posture.
Correct breathing is not the only thing it will take to learn to play the flute. The second important thing is proper posture during lessons. A straight back helps to distribute the sound evenly, accurately delivering it to the musical instrument.
Teachers watch this point particularly closely. All of this leads to the fact that children who had some problems with their posture got rid of them after regular lessons.
What else is playing the flute good for?
Playing the flute is a great exercise for your child, even if you don't plan to make a great musician out of him. In addition to the pros we've already mentioned, there are other arguments for why you should give your child to this particular course:
Teaches patience and diligence. To learn to play this musical instrument, it will take more than one lesson. Only by fully mastering his body, learning the notation and technique of playing, the child will learn to extract beautiful sounds from the flute. All of this in itself requires a lot of patience, which the child learns in the process of lessons.